Terms of Use

By using this site, all participants agree to be bound by our use and copyright policy as stated on this page. We reserve the right to ban any user/participant who is particularly combative or violates these policies.

We at Virginia Wine In My Pocket try for just a few simple principles:

We do try: We participate actively and will intervene when something comes to our attention. We reserve the right to close unproductive or old threads. We will also remove posts or comments that violate these guidelines. If you feel personally offended or invaded by a post or comment here, please let us know and we will address the issue immediately. No spam or advertising! This site uses an automated filter; we will excise spam with extreme prejudice. We will also excise blatant advertising when in our unilateral opinion the contribution it makes does not outweigh the negative impact of finding advertising where it is not wanted. (However, we do accept on-topic advertising. Please contact us if you would like to place advertising; we'd love to work with you!)

Please behave: We will delete any comment or forum post that breaks or encourages breaking the law, contains egregious profanity, contains hate speech, gives out personal information without the subject’s permission, contains blatant advertising that does not advance the discussion, or is so far off topic that we think it is actually spam. We will also summarily delete posts or comments that are personally abusive or represent flaming personal attacks.

No "protected" text: You should not submit personal or private information in any notes, comments, or posts on this site. Nothing input through those submission forms will be treated as protected private or personal information. This applies without regard to the "published" status of your text. We will comply with any lawful request of the US Government, Commonwealth of Virginia, or law enforcement regarding release of information; users of this site have no expectation of privacy in that situation. About unpublished notes: This site may include the ability for registered users to make individual notes for personal reference, without requiring them to be "published" for other readers. This is a service for users of this site and our iOS and 'droid apps, implemented here at user request. This feature is intended only for temporary, individual tasting notes about wines or winery visits; no other use is condoned. We will make every reasonable effort to respect your notes, but we also make no commitment that those notes will be stored permanently or protected as personally identifiable information. We also insist that your notes meet the standards of appropriate expression as stated above; hate speech or material that contributes to or condones illegal acts will not be respected or protected, even in unpublished notes. We reserve the right to cancel or curtail this service at any time and without any commitment to preserve information previously entered.

Privacy Policy: Your privacy is important to us. Like all web sites, we do collect some information behind the scenes. We also require some information from you in order to establish an account so that we can do the data management needed to provide the services on this site. Please see our 'Privacy Policy' page.

Copyright and Use The original contents of Virginia Wine In My Pocket and images or text by its authors throughout this site are copyright © Virginia Wine In My Pocket and/or En Route Communications, Rick Collier Imagery, or the Photo Tourist. Contributors here retain the original copyright to their own works. By participating on this site or in the Virginia Wine In My Pocket application, all parties grant to Virginia Wine In My Pocket and its authors unlimited, unrestricted license to republish or otherwise use materials enterred here. (We will provide attribution when requested.) Personal (noncommercial) use and sharing of material from this site is welcomed based on Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, according to the terms of that license and with required attribution and link-back to the original content on this site. If you are in doubt, please feel free to contact the authors by using the contact form on this site.

All commercial rights are reserved. Original images and text from this site may not be reproduced, altered, modified, or used in any way intended to support any commercial or profit-making enterprise, except by explicit written permission in advance from the copyright holder (Virginia Wine In My Pocket or the original contributor).

We will pursue copyright violators
and defend our copyright vigorously; violators will first be billed a minimum amount of 15 times the normal commercial use fees. If we proceed to court, our policy is to seek the statutory maximum in damages for copyright infringement, in addition to legal fees (an amount very likely to exceed what we first bill you). If you are making money in any way from a site using our content either as your own or to attract traffic (including for click-based advertising), then you are violating our copyright.

Contact Us! We welcome your comments and would love to hear from you. If you are in any doubt and would like to use our stuff, please do reach out and contact us. We do accept advertising, too. Please drop us a line using the contact form on this site.